Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Laura Izibor, Ireland’s (and soon to be your) favorite soul singer/songwriter, came by the office today. Some of her business here included conducting phone interviews with the press. One magazine sent questions over, so Rachel and I got the lucky task of filling in and talking to Laura. The fifteen questions did not faze Laura in the least; she was eloquent and entertaining to listen to. You can tell she is a natural pro at opening up about her music and life.

Her debut album, Let the Truth Be Told, growing fame, and musical influences were among the topics discussed. Listening to her effortless yet genuine answers was a special treat. Anyone can tell that she has talent, but holding a conversation with her in person reveals that the 22 year-old is thoughtful, funny, and easygoing as well. She is always working on her music in different ways, so keep an eye out for her personal, heartfelt songs and style.

I can definitely tell you that being a proxy interviewer for Laura Izibor was the highlight of my day! Not only do I now have insight as to how this particular artist makes her magic through song, I also understand the behind the scenes perks that writers and interviewers get to experience all the time. In my opinion, they are lucky if they always get such exciting subjects as Laura Izibor. Laura with Me and Rachel

Monday, July 27, 2009


Alright alright, don't get your hopes up.

Here’s a story for you. Just when I thought my job responsibilities couldn’t possibly be any more ‘diverse’, myself and several other Atlantic interns spent a jubilant two hours steaming Sean Paul’s outfits for his Good Morning America and A&E performances here in New York. Needless to say, the pressure was definitely on. Not only did each outfit have more wrinkles than a shar pei, we also managed to blow the power in THREE offices because the steamer decided to be a little too greedy with the outlet. All the stress aside however, the entire process ended up being one of the most entertaining and memorable things I’ve done while with Atlantic. The whole situation was so completely ridiculous I couldn’t help but to laugh the entire time. And just a few hours and some slight steam-induced burns later, the outfits looked fantastic. The whole situation got even better when Jason and I actually got to hand deliver the outfit personally to Sean Paul’s hotel room (which, in itself was probably one of the most stressful moments of my life, but still a cool story nonetheless.) Luckily, Jason came prepared with a camera to document the whole thing. Check out the photos below, as well as the ones I snapped at Sean Paul’s Good Morning America Performance in Central Park!!

Here are some shots of Sean Paul's performance at Good Morning America, Friday, July 24

Sean Paul's album "Imperial Blaze" will be available in stores and online on August 18th! For more info on Sean Paul, visit:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Right as we were all getting into the daily grind, none other than the dazzlingly charming Matt Hires dropped in for a little visit with the publicity interns. Matt was hanging around the office finishing up all the prep for his album which comes out exclusively on iTunes July 28 and will be in stores August 25th! Matt’s also getting ready for his show tonight at Rock Wood Music Hall located on 196 Allen Street here in NYC. Despite his busy day, Matt was cool enough to make some time for a little photo op.

Jason, Sofia, Rachel, Matt Hires, Mike, Jess

The cutest of the bunch!

Be sure to check out Matt's new album "Take Us to the Start" available on iTunes July 28th and DON'T MISS his FREE show July 22nd @ 9pm at Rock Wood Music Hall!!! you won't be disappointed!

To listen to more Matt Hires, take a look at his Myspace page.

Check out Matt Hires's "Honey, Let Me Sing You a Song"

How to get to Rockwood Music Hall to see Matt Hires??

196 Allen Street
New York City 10002

between E. Houston and Stanton
take the F and V subway to 2nd ave

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Just another rainy Tuesday morning at work? Think again.

Today Paolo Nutini came in to do a special performance just for the Atlantic staff! He’s touring now and performed last night in Amagansett and performs tonight at Terminal 5. We were lucky that he was able to squeeze us into his schedule and perform a few songs before his concert tonight. He sang a few songs off of his new album, 'Sunny Side Up', which is in stores now.

He opened up with “Pencil Full of Lead” and followed that with “Candy.” Paolo put on an amazing performance and had the entire staff dancing and stomping their feet. He kept the momentum going and took us all by surprise as he performed his own version of “Down in Mexico” by The Coasters. It was a fun and lively addition to the set. His band was really awesome and everyone seemed to shine in this song.

As Paolo came down to his last song, he played “Coming Up Easy,” a personal favorite (which you should definitely download now). As the song came to a close, everyone was cheering and clapping, waiting for an encore. Paolo made sure we all had time for one more song and then chose “Growing Up Beside You” as a more mellow choice so we’d be more relaxed to get back to work. All in all, Paolo’s performance was awesome and had everyone smiling and dancing.

Below are pictures of Paolo's performance in the lobby of the Atlantic offices:

And fresh from the lobby of Atlantic Records, here's Paolo covering 'Down in Mexico' by The Coasters

For more information on Paolo Nutini, check out:


Thursday, July 9, 2009


How was MY day? A hot mess. A hot AWESOME mess.

Today, some of the members of Cobra Starship made an appearance in the offices for yet another awesome mixer event (see my previous 3OH!3 post for clarification. Basically, mixer = band + Atlantic employees + some free and abundant chow + overall awesomeness ). The event featured various perks, including such luxuries as free tacos. No no, not just one measly free taco per person. Free, unlimited, delicious, “it took 4 dining room-sized tables to hold all of these” kind of tacos. Oh yeah, and we got to personally listen to tracks off of the group’s newest album, ‘Hot Mess’, set to release in mid-August, so that was definitely a treat as well. But all that aside, free tacos people. Better yet, they even had vegetarian tacos. Made special request from Cobra’s front man Gabe Saporta (who, like myself, is a proud practicing member of the vegetarian persuasion). How great right? And they even-

Wait, why am I still talking about tacos?

Moving on. Did I even mention how we got to MEET Gabe? Yes, it’s true. After some persistent/borderline paparazzi-like tactics, the Publicity interns got to have a little chat and photo-op with the man who makes all of us go just a little bad. Don’t believe me? Check out the pics and video below for your proof. Sucka.

Taco Bell. Mmmmmm.
Some interns make copies. I bring tacos to Cobra Starship.

Sofia, Mike, Kristen, and Jess with Gabe!

Jess and Gabe chatting it up

And last but not least, Gabe gives us a "shout-out" of sorts. Yeah, we're popular.

So to conclude, today was a hot, yet awesome mess of a day. Despite being one of the busiest days I’ve had since I can last remember, it ended on a high note that would give Mariah a run for her money. A mixer, free tacos, preview of Cobra Starship’s new album, ‘Hot Mess’ and a meet-and-greet with lead singer Gabe Saporta. What more could an intern ask for?

Cobra Starship’s album, 'Hot Mess', will debut on August 11. For more info, including how to pre-order the album and the band’s August tour stops, visit:


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Just a quick update from the office. A week from today (July 15th) The Cab will be performing at the Highline Ballroom in New York City, along side The Summer Set , Eye Alaska , My Favorite Highway and Tina Parol. Doors open at 6:00, show starts at 6:30. Tickets are $12, so there is absolutely no excuse for you not to go. Like, seriously people. For more info on this show and other tour dates, visit http://www.thecabrock.com/ or The Cab's MySpace. For ticket info, click here.

Need help getting to The Highline? Here's all you need to know.

The Highline Ballroom
431 W 16th St
New York, NY 10011
between 9th and 10th Ave
(212) 414-5994

And just because I'm awesome, here are subway directions courtesy of The Highline Ballroom's website.

See y'all there!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Just another day in the office, but HOW COOL are these pads that I used to write my To-Do list on?? While every other company uses a plain pad to jot notes down on, we get these awesome Rob Thomas pads, which are perfect for creating To-Do Lists to keep track of our busy schedules. These pads are extras from the album release event for his latest solo album, 'Cradlesong', which was released last Tuesday. I must admit, his song "Her Diamonds" is definitely part of my chill-out playlist on my iPod. Well, as I get back to work, and while I give Rob's album a spin while I work, you should check out Rob's album, 'Cradlesong', IN STORES NOW and he's going on tour soon so if you love you some Rob Thomas, this show is definitely something you DON'T want to miss!!!

If you can't wait to see Rob Thomas in concert, visit his website, Facebook, Myspace and if you are a dedicated fan you'll want to follow Rob on Twitter...RIGHT NOW!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


When I was little I always looked up to my favorite singers and wanted to dress like them. Now that I'm much older and spend A LOT of time in the offices of Atlantic Records, I get the opportunity to get a closer look at what the artists are actually wearing. The only problem is that we all want the chic style of our favorite artists, but don't usually have the unlimited funds like the artists. So I'm here to help all of you that want the hipster style of Cobra Starship frontman, Gabe Saporta. Gearing up for the release of their album, 'Hot Mess' which drops August 11, it's time to get looking the part for the new school year as well as a Cobra Starship concert!

Gabe loves his black Diesel Skinny Jeans, but you can get them for less from BDG at Urban Outfitters.
Diesel Thanaz 8UX - $230.00 BDG Overdyed Skinny - $49.00

Gabe loves to be comfortable in his BDG M&D Neon Green T-Shirt, but you can get the same look from the Gap, who has their Best Crewneck Tee.
BDG Neon Crew - $18.00 Gap Best Crewneck - $3.99

Now, for Gabe's signature touch. He is best known for his purple zip-up hooded sweatshirt. He wears one from American Apparel but you can get one for a little less from BDG.
American Apparel - $42.00 BDG FZ Hoodie - $39.00

And there you have it! You can look like Gabe Saporta all for under $100, now go show off to all your friends while keeping your parents happy and make sure to get Cobra Starship's album, 'Hot Mess' on August 11.


Allow me to preface with a text message conversation I recently had with a friend. The convo took place on a Tuesday afternoon, let's say around 4:30pm.

"Hey, let's hang out or grab dinner after work!" my friend prompted, to which I replied,
"I would love to! However I have to go to a party first before I get off."
*10 minute pause* - obviously the result of immense confusion and/or brewing jealousy.
"Um, hello?" I attempted to salvage the conversation.
"Wait, let me get this straight- you're still at work, and you have to go to.. a party?" A response eventually arrived.
Indeed, I was speaking the truth. Yet another reason my job = awesome/all of my friends hate me.

So here's the story.

Lucky for me, the alt hip-hop duo 3OH!3 was scheduled to make an appearance at the Atlantic offices in the form of a "mixer" that day. Sounds intriguing, right? For those ill-informed out there (like myself that day), a mixer is basically when an artist/band comes into the office, talks for a bit, and a fiesta of sorts is thrown in celebration of their continued success. The staff gets the chance to hang out, relax, and even talk to the artists (not to mention free food.) The event was a blast, and a great way to really get to know some of the people I've been sharing a cubicle with for the past two weeks.

Although 3OH!3 isn't with Atlantic, they've been in recent collaboration with the label for distribution reasons, thus the purpose of the mixer. The guys gave a hearty thank you to everyone at Atlantic for the work they've been doing, which was really cool to see. Their album, Want, debuted in 2008 under Photo Finish Records, and has blown up in the past few months. 3OH!3 will be featured in the line up of this summer's Warped Tour, a performance I cannot wait to see.

You can get more info on 3OH!3, including tour dates, videos, mp3 posts and photos

In the meantime, here are some pictures I snapped from my iPhone at the event. Enjoy!


.....Got to go to the album listening session for Pleasure P's debut solo album, "The Introduction of Marcus Cooper", which is in stores now! It was my first listening event and totally exceeded all my expectations. I was supposed to meet a couple of friends after work, to celebrate our first days at our internships, but THIS was something that made me text them and say "Uh I'm gonna be a little late to dinner". We walked in and there were tables covered in candles and chocolate covered strawberries, along with posters of Pleasure P. Once the event got started, Pleasure started playing tracks from his album and everyone was just listening and having a good time. He explained the background to each track and it was a very intimate session. This was an AWESOME way to start off my experience here at Atlantic. If this is what my first day is like, I can't wait to see what else is in store this summer! Check out some pictures from the album listening session, which was held here at the Atlantic offices and make sure to get Pleasure P's album, 'The Introduction of Marcus Cooper" IN STORES NOW!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Welcome to the Atlantic Records Intern Blog, a new way to get the most up-to-date news on your favorite Atlantic Records artists, while getting an exclusive look at what goes on during a normal day at Atlantic's New York offices.

We designed this blog to serve many purposes. We wanted the fans, the ones who actually BUY the music and support the artists, to get the latest news from a more personal, informal voice of interns, who are essentially their peers. This blog will also show the interesting, unusual, yet fun things Atlantic interns get to do on a daily basis and will act as a new resource for those who want to intern in the music industry.

The industry is rapidly gravitating towards a more online distribution of information and with blogs becoming the 'Next Generation', we thought that there was no better time than the present to evolve also.

Our goal is for this blog to become an interactive place between the label and it's fans, so comments are GREATLY appreciated. In fact, comments are wanted because feedback is the only way we can grow.